We love photography! A picture says more than a thousand words after all. At least that is how the saying goes. Perhaps the combination of words and pictures are the best then? Photography in context. We take hundreds, possibly even thousands of photos on each journey. Like most others, we then delete the vast majority and only keep the highlights. After all, that is one of the perks of working with digital photography. Once the photo highlights are selected the editing part starts. This is such an important part of the creative process, to make the photos and what is on them look their very best. We want you to love what you are seeing, just as we did.
Below you have our travel diary in photos. It’s thousands of photos and every single one means something to us, isn’t that super cool?! They are all a little memory, saved and frozen in time, in that moment. The vast majority of them are naturally from the 157 UNESCO World Heritage Sites we have visited. But, you will also photos from the 64 nominated sites we have been to and more. I general, these ones are some of our favourites. Photography is core to what we Are doing on our Expedition, we document our progress with photos!